The First 90

The challenge is to read the whole Bible in 90 days from the month of January-March. It might sound a little overwhelming, but it’s more attainable than you might think! All it takes is an hour of your day. You can listen to it audible-style or read it the old-fashioned way, whichever fits your lifestyle.
Also available on the Bible App

|| Why?
Our next series, Moments to Momentum focuses on the daily moments that propel us forward in life and especially in our relationship with God. Every moment matters, and daily immersion into scripture is one of the most important moments to create momentum in our relationship with Jesus. Ezra 7:10 talks about the devotion to hearing God speak to us through Scripture. It’s this devotion to the immersion in Scripture that changes lives. That’s the challenge of the First 90.

|| Guidelines/Tips
1. No guilt trips. If other people in your family or friends aren’t on board, nagging them or guilt tripping them will not create the willing and open heart needed to accomplish a heart change--which is the whole point of this challenge.
2. Don’t give up! Even if you miss a day, keep going. Remember, success is the daily devotion to immersing yourself in scripture in order to experience that heart change.

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